
I was trying to clean my beta fish today. If you know anything about Beta fish, they are very resilient. I am amazed at how long this little fishy has lived. I have to admit (please don’t call the SPCA on me) there have been times when we went out of town and no one fed or checked on fishy.Every time we would get home I would just pray he would be alive so I could feed him!
I was noticing today as I changed his extremely dirty little bowl his fear to get scooped up. Now, I tried to imagine if it was me, and I was going about my day like every other day and a big scooper just appeared in my house. I might be a little freaked out. So I stuck his greenish muddled bowl next to the bigger, cleaner bowl. He still wouldn’t let me scoop him! Doesn’t he see I only have the best intentions for him? Doesn’t he realize that I have something better for him?!
And so it is with us. We are Gods kids. He has something better for us. He wants us to allow Him to scoop us up and put us in a better place, but fear holds us back. We are so plagued by..what if it doesn’t work out, what if I don’t like change..what if..what if… And we choose to live in our safe (although sometimes dirty) little world.
I want to challenge you today: Next time you find yourself fearing that change that is about to take place, the unknown- Remind yourself of this: If it doesn’t work out, you are a better person for trying and if it does…aren’t you glad?!

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
ps. Fishy is much happier now in his big clean bowl!